Nets eID Broker update - December 2022


Work on implementing MitID is progressing. Below you can read news about the latest developments.

MitID Status

The MitID migration has been completed and most services that have private users now support MitID. It is still possible to get MitID for users who have not migrated, similar to the normal process for new users. The focus is now on MitID Erhverv (the Business solution) and the further further development of the MitID setup. This also means that MitID in Q1 2023 will start collection the so-called development fee for service providers for which this applies.

MitID v10 update

At the beginning of February 2023, MitID is expected to roll out the so-called v10 of the MitID backend. In this regard, service providers must pay particular attention. This version of MitID introduces the first part of a security measure called channel binding. This will increase security and provide a better experience for users of MitID on the mobile platforms. If you as a service provider use MitID from an App and not just via a web site, then it is important that you have implemented App switching in the MitID flow, otherwise you will experience problems with the MitID integration in v10. Contact us if you are unsure whether your integration is ready for MitID v10.

MitID Erhverv users in regular flows

When a user is registered in MitID Erhverv, it is possible to use different means of identification. For example, as a company you can choose to offer that employees can use their private MitID and otherwise, as an alternative, it is possible to use a dedicated identification means only for MitID Erhverv.

In connection with the issuance of these dedicated identification means, Nemlog-in ensures the underlying private identity. This identity can also currently be used in ordinary MitID login flows, but as a service provider, you must be aware that for these users you do not have access to validate the user's corresponding CPR. Information about this is available in the MitID session via User Info (has_CPR). It is expected that service providers at some point will have to specifically ask to also let these users at login, so that you do not as a regular service provider are shown these shadow identities.

As the rollout of MitID Erhverv gets off to a good start in 2023, it is expected that there will be more of these users, and that users may be confused about what type of MitID they have.

MitID Erhverv in production

After testing and preparation, we have now opened for service providers also in production to be set up to use MitID Erhverv. The first service providers are already in operation. As previously announced, the configuration is handled with a special scope/idp. Contact us if you are interested in MitID Erhverv.

MitID Erhverv Test users

We have updated our package of test users for MitID Erhverv and in addition, we have mastered Nemlog-in's process for creating companies for testing! Contact us if you need help setting up your own MitID Erhverv test users, possibly in your own CVR number.

MitID Erhverv as login option in admin

As MitID Erhverv is now finally an option, we also expect in the beginning of 2023 to be able to open up for using MitID Erhverv as a login option to Net's eID Broker Administration Portal. Initially, we are just awaiting the completion of our general Nets eID Broker rights administration.